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23 Game Reviews

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Its got a flow

I like it, it flows and plays nicely, it almost has suspense when you try and dodge somthing too late (because of the speed of the dragon) its got that clever simplicity of something like darius, dont touch it!


...and i absolutely loved it, there arent enough games like this, highly stylistic, simple and almost completely useless. Good Stuff


really loved the norton antivirus bit. :D

MessiaH responds:


i liked it

theres not enough celebration of this kind of knowledge, strange how i never seen somthing like this on here before, its simple and brilliant in its way.

AdamJack responds:

Too right! More people should be making with the nonsense. Thanks for your review.

aww, that tickled my knee-pits

Dya know anywhere where its possible to get an MP3 of that Charlie song, from the first series?

its a tad sad that loads of these people dont know what the 'boosh is, but then if somethings loved by the majority its often hated by the few - by default i mean.

You need to see Noel fieldings stand up stuff, *sigh* light tennis.

joeleslie responds:

Sorry, I don't where to get it. The only thing I could siggest is it from the DVD, and extracting the audio from it.

great but...

you simply need to add Gang of Four's - Damaged goods for a soundtrack, ive listened to it looped while playing, it fits.

Tweak it.

if you can slow down the zombies or speed up the fire rate it would work, also you need a gunshot sound and a zombie death sound.

very stylish graphics

which i assume is the main thing your looking for a response to.

decent enough start

but you have a scale problem, the player ship should be tiny, the gunfire the same size (i really liked that effect), then make the opposing fleet just bigger than the player and the boss's huge...makes it much more fun :D and the controls need sorting a little, other people have suggested ways im sure...

i quite liked it

but firstly there is that bug of not being able to continue on from the difficulty selection screen, i right clicked and played obviously.

Get some walking-about-ness for the buying/saving etc, give some sense of purpose a quest or somthing, little sphere characters were actually quite good i thought, and whatever you do dont change the quality button that randomly sits there :D for some reason i liked that :D

nice....but more needed


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